Dear Friend. You have come to the right place....

We know that you have many options when it comes to choosing conspiracies and we're glad that you've decided to conspire with us.

D.E. Cline, the author of the Gifthorse Conspiracy Refresher Course has witnessed a disturbing trend in recent years. "Too many people are joining the donor ranks despite the rigorous criteria for entry (First you must have money… and then you must have… let’s see… well… a checkbook… and…uh… a pen for sure… and a deep understanding ofI mean a determined long-term commitment to… well, there are certainly other prerequisites but they’re just too clandestine to explain here). In any event, many of these numismatic neophytes are causing problems for the Gifthorse Conspiracy due to their ignorance of our 10 Commitments. Not only has this resulted in instances of wild philanthropic philandering, some of our longstanding members have bolted the ranks of the Conspiracy to become Wild Gifthorses having been foolishly tempted by the unbeaten path".

We would hate to see you suffer on the trails and tributaries of life as a Wild Gifthorse without first knowing about the cozy and comforable life as a donor inside the Gifthorse Conspiracy. We therefore strongly suggest that you take a little time to complete the Gifthorse Conspiracy Refresher Course. It is in the form of 30 simple lessons:

Lessons 1   – 10:          Basic Tricks & Good Grooming
The ten lessons in this session review some of the basics of the Gifthorse Conspiracy including its origins, terminology, types and styles of grantmaking and a few of the trusty tricks that have served to strengthen the Conspiracy over the years. It is not exhaustive, but then who wants to be exhausted.

Lessons 11 – 20:        Whines & Whispers: Our 10 Commitments
This session is the most demanding but also the most urgent of all of our studies. Each one of the lessons addresses one of the 10 Commitments that hold the Conspiracy together, that makes us who we are. We hear what many grantseekers are saying about the Commitments; what they whine and whisper when we’re out of earshot. We also learn how to spot Wild Gifthorses, the traitors to the Conspiracy who have grown in number to the point that they pose a threat.

Lessons 21 – 30:        Our Good Friends at the Trough
The ten lessons in this session introduce us to our many friends; the people and grantseekers who feed off and perpetuate the Conspiracy even though they’re on the outside grazing in. They desperately need us. It pains us to admit that we also need them, so we won’t.

You can obtain the Refesher Course from only two priviledged sources. In either case, it will be delivered to you in a plain brown box: