10. SWOT Analysis


  • Identify Strengths
  • Document Weaknesses
  • Analyze Alternatives
  • Consider Threats
  • Formulate a Plan of Action



Strengths and Weaknesses: The strength of this technique is its ability to focus thought processes in each general area: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. It is an excellent method or capturing and discussing a topic at a high-level because it seeks contrasting points-of-view.


The weakness of this approach is that it often does not deal specific enough with absolute needs and requirements. It is possible to remain vague in describing these characteristics. The challenge for the facilitator is to ensure that adequate layers of details are provided. This can be accomplished by delving into the specifics when generalized assessments are made. For example, if someone says "We've got great market potential," the facilitator should ask for further and tangible details. The Five Why Technique can be very helpful in obtaining additional details.



This technique is frequently discussed in management texts. There is not a known work specifically addressing SWOT analysis.


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