Our guide sounded disappointed when she announced there might be a change in plans. It seems that today was the day when all the residents of Venice gather to watch and/or participate in the annual gonolda races. She said this might affect our gonola ride somewhat.

The morning was threatening rain as the locals travelled to the site where the races would begin.

After a brief rain wait, and some last minute shopping by Carol, we did the Gondola thing. There really was a sense of magic and history as we floated through the back canals - accordian music drifting in the air.
The Gondolier was young and somewhat daring as he manauvered the vessel in, out and through narrow passages.

Then suddenly there we were - entering the main canal where the boat races were being held.

From a distance you could see the crowd gathered along each bank and on top of the Rialto Bridge. They cheered for the competitors as each team paddled past.
Out into the main channel we were taken in order to capture the "National Geographic moment.

